I'm all about making things easier to do

One of the biggest takeaways I've gotten from working + momming is that if I can do it from my phone, I can do anything.

It reduces friction in the process, which makes things easier to do. Theoretically. 

 I've discovered that Squarespace has a blogging app. I'm so excited. I no longer have to lug my computer around to blog, and it means that I can write around babies. 


Of course it means you (reader, whoever you are) will be subject to much more verbal vomit. 

I hope you're excited too. 

It's currently Friday afternoon, which would normally have my at my local pub for happy hour as an act of self care. I love it. 

This week, I'm sitting at a walk-in clinic instead. It's not because I'm physically ill, but because I miscalculated the remaining amount on my antidepressant prescription and the timing of the holidays...so I can't get in to my doctor before it runs out. 

It's annoying, but when you handle a household's logistics, something slips sometimes. So. Instead of spending the afternoon at the bar, I'm spending it in a waiting room. 

But I'm not mad about it. 

Because a year ago, I was unknowingly on the verge of a postpartum mental breakdown.

Since then, I found a balance of meds that works for me, a therapist I like working with, and things are a helluva lot more optimistic than they have been. 

Don't get me wrong, I love yoga, meditation, exercise, baths, sleeping, and all those beautiful self care practices that support good mental health.

And. When it comes to managing mental illness, I am so grateful for antidepressants. Because of them, sitting in this waiting room is my most important self-care practice...waiting is hard. 

Maybe I can meditate. 

On the bright side, I now get to time my next doc visit with the baby's 18 months shots -- our doctor is in Vancouver which is a wee trek from here, but he's awesome so we've stuck out the commute -- combining trips will be super efficient and as we all know... 

 I like when things are easier, and I like saving on gas. 

Now. Fingers crossed I get in and out of this appointment with time to spare for a happy 15 min or something 🤞

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